Welcome to the course!


How this course works

This repository serves as the slides, demos and exercises for the Frontend Masters Introduction to DevTools course. We'll walk through the content together on video. At multiple points, we'll take 15 minute breaks to give everyone a chance to complete the exercise by themselves. Then we'll meet back up and solve the exercises together!

Why learn DevTools?

There are so many amazing courses that teach you how to create web applications. But very few that teach you what to do after! We'll learn how to maintain, debug and audit our existing web apps today.

Course outline

  1. History of DevTools
  2. A walk through the panels
  3. Editing
  4. Debugging
  5. Network performance
  6. CPU
  7. Memory
  8. Auditing

Who am I?

Jon Kuperman

My name is Jon Kuperman. I'm an engineer at Adobe working on their Creative Cloud. Before that I worked on the Brave Browser and Twitter.com.

I write on my personal blog jonkuperman.com and teach workshops on Chrome DevTools and Accessibility!

Let's begin!

Let's head over to the Introduction to begin.